מגזין "מקו ועד תרבות"

from Line to Culture – the magazine

perspectives on life

Louise Bourgeois

Wisdom emerging from life experience is often worthy of our attention, just as some perspectives are deserving of reflection.

Let’s take a break and step outside of the world of personal ideals.

Dear readers, let’s consider a substantial, serious matter together. Let’s stop for a moment, step outside our worldview, and rest for a few minutes. Read this article about an undefined, ideal place.

The following selection, which is circulating on the internet, is a crystal-clear reflection of the extreme degree to which we are exposed in the digital world. It’s a painful satire. It is, indeed, absurd; that is what allows it to portray so sharply the extent to which every person is exposed, more or less, because of technological [...]

Embroidering Reality as a Therapeutic Act

Joana Choumali

On March 13, 2016, a brutal terrorist attack struck Grand-Bassam, a coastal town in the Ivory Coast, near the home of artist Joana Choumali. Three weeks after the attack, Joana photographed the location and its people on her cell phone, as if she needed to bring the reality to life. The idea of embroidering the [...]

Forcognito – Future-think

Humans have the ability to future-think. Really?

Do humans and animals have futuristic cognition?

In his book Forcognito, Prof. David Passig reviews various studies in the field of neurophysiology and cognition that illuminate his claim that the brain is ready for its next evolutionary stage, a stage in which, with assistance of human-made technologies, future- thinking will take on a new dimension. He calls this new ability, “forcognito.” Prof. [...]

“Full of sound and fury signifying nothing” (William Shakespeare)

The limits of human cognition, and especially mysterianism. That is, the unknown.

It is no coincidence that we have returned to Noam Chomsky’s book, What Kind of Creatures Are We? The trigger? Not only reality, but also a relatively recent article in which Idan Lando, who translated the book into Hebrew, interviews Noam Chomsky.

In the ninth decade of his life, Noam Chomsky wrote What Kind of Creatures Are We? as an attempted synthesis between various scientific theories and philosophical conceptions. The result is fascinating. From the height of interdisciplinary knowledge, Chomsky reaches the point where question marks stop us, as human beings, from seeing “beyond.” Noam Chomsky is [...]

Every Day has the Potential to Surprise

The impressive female images of Moufouli Bello, the expression of their inner presence, create a mesmerizing dialogue.

And the colors? Striking!

Sometimes we are captivated. That is what happened to me when I first saw paintings by Moufouli Bello, an artist from Cotonou, Benin, a small country in west Africa. After studying law, out of commitment to the social rights of the local population, she decided to dedicate herself to her great passion, painting. To painting, she has added other [...]

This book should not be read – just sample a few pages and take a rest. Why? Because of the tension, the stormy reaction to reading it, and especially because of the unbelievable revelations – truth that is stranger than fiction – but which actually happened.

Digital Colonialism

“One can resist the invasion of armies; one cannot resist the invasion of ideas.” Victor Hugo

“I chose to come here of my own accord and to answer these questions about how a liberal, gay twenty-four-year-old Canadian found himself part of a British military contractor developing psychological warfare tools for the American alt-right.” Thus begins a Christopher Wylie’s fascinating book! “Fresh out of university, I had taken a job at a [...]

Dates: 1927 and 1929.
Place: Austria.
Interviewer: George Sylvester Viereck, a German-born American journalist
Interviewees: Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein.

The English articles summarized below were published as: “Sigmund Freud Confronts the Sphinx: Interview with George Sylvester Viereck” (London Weekly Dispatch, July 28, 1927) “What Life Means to Albert Einstein: Interview with George Sylvester Viereck” (The Saturday Evening Post, October 26, 1929) mahj.org * -  “What is your objection to the beasts?” Freud replied. “I [...]

“You can’t enter the same river twice” as a thought anchor.

The statement attributed to Herclitus – “Everything flows. You cannot enter the same river twice. It will not be the same river and not the same person” – can serve as an anchor for our thinking.

Because no moment resembles any of its predecessors, and because everything is the result of circumstantiality, future circumstance can only be assumed. The ancient Chinese concept of Taoism, which emphasizes the way, is likely the most accurate perspective for us as human beings. Seeing the path as a riddle that might, at any moment, reveal [...]