מגזין "מקו ועד תרבות"

from Line to Culture – the magazine


Tali Bar

We promise to share with you, dear readers, the finest books we have read, those which have broadened our vision and deepened our thinking.

Dates: 1927 and 1929.
Place: Austria.
Interviewer: George Sylvester Viereck, a German-born American journalist
Interviewees: Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein.

The English articles summarized below were published as: “Sigmund Freud Confronts the Sphinx: Interview with George Sylvester Viereck” (London Weekly Dispatch, July 28, 1927) “What Life Means to Albert Einstein: Interview with George Sylvester Viereck” (The Saturday Evening Post, October 26, 1929) mahj.org * -  “What is your objection to the beasts?” Freud replied. “I [...]

Want a Book You Don’t Have to Read?
Thoughts To Myself

Once you purchase the book Thoughts To Myself, I am almost convinced you’ll be grateful for the recommendation. The book is, in fact, a diary, the thoughts of a wise, humble man, with wide application to our lives as human beings. This person—a Roman emperor, from the second century CE (121-180 CE)—is Marcus Aurelius. The [...]